House in Progress

While there is still a gaping hole in my bedroom, progress is happening on all floors of the house.  Tile is being installed in the bathrooms and I picked out paint colors for the entire place on Tuesday.  The architect emailed me last night and said the first coat of paint had gone on the walls in my room and it looked awesome!  Eamon offered no input on the color of his bedroom so I selected a pale blue/gray, I hope he likes it.  Actually, I will be happy if he NOTICES the color at all!  He is getting a long computer table, which he has shown excitement about.  Now we just have to get his computer operational….

Javier got multiple bids for the security system.  I’ve decided a visible deterrent is not such a bad idea.  Not sure of the timing, I think the exterior wall needs to be painted first and most of the interior work has to be close to done.  We took Rachel and Heidi to frolic in their new yard.  Rachel loves to roll around in the grass!  Javier noticed a large dead RAT in the front yard which the workers made disappear.  I hate rodents.  Once the cats take residence, I do not expect to see another one…

I got a bid for curtains that was WAY too expensive – $1600.  I went to a fabric store downtown and found some nice sheer fabric – perfect for the windows.  I got the whole bolt (50 meters) for $3.50/meter.  Then Javier (the amazing) found a seamstress who sewed ALL of the curtains for $55!  AND, they were ready in two days!!  Truly the highlight of the week!

Then there is the visa.  Heavy sigh.  We do not yet have the new visa or the extension.  My attorney keeps telling me not to worry, which is easier said than done.  All of the paperwork is SUPPOSED to be done by next Tuesday.  I am not very optimistic, but there could be a January miracle.  Unfortunately, it is almost February.

I hope we can be in the house by the 3rd week of February, fingers crossed!  I will take some photos and post them tomorrow or Monday.

Eamon was quite disappointed he missed all of the snow in Seattle.  Mom wasn’t disappointed at all.  Sunshine (and a little rain) is MUCH better!

Acerca de cuencamom

Trish and her amazing 14 year old son have settled into life in Cuenca. Trish started rescuing unwanted dogs, which has evolved into a dog rescue center - Refugio Del Mejor Amigo. This blog will chronicle their latest adventure in Cuenca - WOOF!
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3 respuestas a House in Progress

  1. Trish, watch for my post on Gwennieofcovington for our ‘snow saga’. We had all the snow, ice and then lost power to 5 days. it is possible to survive with gas fireplaces and a whole lot of patience (a little creativity doesn’t hurt). I finished typing the saga yesterday and will post tonight or tomorrow. I am off this morning to a seminar on ‘Your Book in Hnad’, how to write your book and self publish.

  2. cuencamom dijo:

    Definitely! How was the seminar? Miss you!

  3. Pingback: Morning Update – Wednesday, February 1, 2012 « South of Zero

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